Listening and Reading

Using About Video Tutorial

Instructions for how to use Listening and Reading appear each time before entering a Listening or Reading activity. Both the Listening and Reading activities are divided into two columns; Listen or Read on the left, and Apply on the right.

Listen and Read

The Listen and Read columns are where the main Listening or Reading activities are done. At the top of the screen you’ll see the content that will be covered in the activity:

Total Words Icon  

Total words: The number under “Words” indicates the total number of words (including words repeated) used in the current Listening or Reading activity.

Unique Words Icon  

Unique words: The number under “Unique” indicates the total number of unique words (excluding repeated words) used in the current Listening or Reading activity.

New Words Icon  

New words: The number under “New” indicates the total number of new words not previously covered in the preceding Mango conversations lessons. Click on “New” to view, hear, and learn these new vocabulary words before or during the activity.

Reveal Text Icon  

Reveal Text Icon: In the Listening activities you will see an icon with several horizontal lines. Wherever this icon appears, click it to reveal the text associated with the listening material.


The Apply column is where you will find questions related to the Listening or Reading activity. There are three kinds of questions:

Main Idea Icon  

Main Idea: Main Idea questions aim to assess whether the learner was able to understand the concept of the passage.

Detail Icon  

Detail: Detail questions aim to assess whether the learner was able to understand the specifics in the passage.

Inference Icon  

Inference: Inference questions aim to assess whether the learner was able to draw conclusions based on the evidence that was not specifically stated in the passage.


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