Checking Activity

Mango automatically saves your progress, usage, and activity. You can check the follow activity types at any time:

  • Lessons studied and time spent
  • Review session time
  • Placement Test Results
  • Quiz/Assessment Results*

*Not all Mango profiles have access to quizzes and assessments


The dashboard profile menu open with an arrow pointing to the activity option

Look at the above screenshot; if you want to check your activity/usage when using Mango in a browser, click on "Activity" from the drop down menu on the dashboard. Or you can click here:

an example of the activity menu

In the above screenshot, you can see that there are two options on the Activity Report menu; "Activity" and "Assessment". With "Activity" selected, you can view the usage and time spent in each lesson or in Review. And with "Assessment" selected, you can view your quiz or assessment results. Make sure to set the date range for the activity you wish to view.

You can download your activity and assessment results according to your date range by clicking "Download CSV File".

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