Downloading Lessons

Download Lessons Delete Lessons

With the free Mango Languages mobile apps you can download lessons to study later when you don't have an internet connection. Here's how to download them on a mobile device:

1. Choose the language you would like to study. 

Three screenshots. One: tap on a Unit. 2: tap on a chapter. 3: tap on a lesson to download it.

2. On the course menu screen, tap a numbered circle with the download symbol on it to download a single lesson. You can also download all of the lessons in a chapter at once by selecting the Download All option.

Here is a guide to understand all of the different lesson icons:

Lesson Icon with Black Download Symbol Lesson Icon in the process of being downloaded Downloaded Lesson Icon Green Lesson Icon with green checkmark Green Lesson with Black Download Symbol
Unstudied lesson that has not been downloaded. Lesson in the process of being downloaded. Downloaded lesson ready for offline study. Downloaded lesson that has been studied. Studied lesson that hasn't been downloaded.


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