Military Access

Looking to access Mango through the military? We've got good news - you may be able to get access through your branch. 

Are you new to Mango? Please follow these instructions:

  1. Visit the DoD MWR Libraries site:
  2. Look for and click on the Continuing Education tile located in the 2nd row of Categories.
  3. Scroll down to the Mango Languages link.
  4. Click on your branch and follow the instructions to log in.

Already have a profile with Mango? Follow these instructions:

  1. Visit the DoD MWR Libraries site:
  2. Click the "Login" link.
  3. Go to your account and link your existing Mango profile.
  4. Go back to the homepage. 
  5. Look for and click on the Continuing Education tile located in the 2nd row of Categories.
  6. Click on your branch and follow the instructions to log in.

Using Mango:

  • To study on your computer:
  • To study using our mobile apps:
    • Use your mobile credentials, found in the web version of Mango (you only need to do this once):
      1. Log into Mango via the DoD MWR Libraries site:
      2. Locate the mobile phone icon (upper right corner of the page).
      3. Write your credentials and use them to log into the Mango app.

Please let us know if you have any questions or trouble signing up.

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