Cancel Subscription

Canceling your Mango subscription is easy! However, you need to cancel your subscription on the platform it was created on. This means:

  • If you subscribed in a browser, then you have to cancel in a browser at
  • If you subscribed via the iOS app, you have to cancel on an iOS device
  • If you subscribed via the Android app, you have to cancel on an Android device.

NOTE: If you cancel, you will still have access to Mango until the end of the pay-period (the period of time you have already paid for). Also, if you cancel and decide to resubscribe later, you will not lose your activity/progress/usage. You'll be able to just pick up where you left off. 

Here's how to cancel:

Browser iOS Android

If you subscribed to Mango via a browser, follow these instructions:

  1. Click HERE
  2. Click "Cancel Subscription" at the bottom of the page
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