Classroom Guides (K12 Teachers)

NOTE: Classroom Guides are only available to teachers employed at a subscribing academic organization

What are Classroom Guides?

Mango Classroom Guides are worksheets, activities, and printables for the K12 classroom that compliment the content found in the Mango course. They are two versions of the Classroom Guides; one for the students, and the other for the teachers with all the correct answers.

The Classroom Guides are in PDF form and they include the following:

  • Vocabular Quizzes
  • Dialogue Practice
  • Grammar Practice
  • Culture Discussions
  • Writing Practice

The Classroom Guides are available for the following language courses:

  • Spanish: Latin American
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Mandarin Chinese
  • English for Spanish speakers

Examples of Glassroom Guides.gif

Why are Classroom Guides useful?

Teachers are able to easily print off a worksheet or activity that can be done in addition to the content in the digital Mango program. These worksheets can be graded by the teacher using the teacher version of the Classroom Guides with all the answers.

Where are Classroom Guides found?

The complete Classroom Guides are available when a school purchases Mango and are provided by the Mango Account Manager.

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