While the lessons and activities provide the students with the structured lessons, the Vocabulary feature in Mango is adaptive, and will focus on each students’ individual skill gaps. It is also a hub for all the vocabulary taught throughout all of the lessons and activities in a language course, as well as a place to create and share vocabulary lists with your classes.
Mango Vocabulary has three features:
Course Vocabulary
Course Vocabulary is a hub that houses all of the vocabulary words that the student will learn throughout Mango’s lessons. Course Vocabulary lists can be experienced as a vertical list or in a flashcard style review.
Extended Vocabulary
Extended Vocabulary consists of additional groupings of vocabulary related to the content taught in the chapter. For example: numbers, days of the week, months, colors, etc. Extended Vocabulary lists can be experienced as a vertical list or in a flashcard style review.
My Vocabulary
My Vocabulary allows the student or teacher to create their own vocabulary lists for review. Teachers are able to create their own lists and share them with their students.. This is great for teachers that wish to teach vocabulary not found in Mango lessons, reading and listening, or extended vocabulary. My Vocabulary lists can be experienced as a vertical list or in a flashcard style review.