Groups (K12 Teachers)

The Groups feature allows a teacher, school, or school district to place students in groups. You can think of a "Group" as a classroom.

In the Groups tab, you can see the following information:

  • Which students are in each group (class)
  • Learning time; the time students are spending collectively and on each lesson
  • How many lessons have been completed by each student
  • Quiz results, including which questions were correct and which were incorrect

This kind of classroom organization can be done automatically by a school's LMS or manually by the teacher or administrator. Mango currently offers the following kind of LMS integration for automatic grouping of students:

  • Clever
  • Classlink
  • Canvas
  • Moodle

Groups tab selected with one group being displayed

In the following screenshot, you can see what a group looks like., which data, usage, and quiz results.

An example of a group with details about student activity

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