Voice Comparison

Using Voice Comparison About Voice Comparison

First, please make sure that the Mango Languages website has access/permission to use your microphone. If you are unsure how to do that in your computer browser, click HERE.

Look for the microphone icon in the lower left side. Click on this microphone icon to begin using the voice compare feature.

A box that highlights the voice comparison feature button on a slide in a lesson

After you have clicked the correct icon, you can begin voice recording by clicking the large orange microphone icon in the center of the screen.

A box highlights the large Voice Comparison button in the center

The recording will start immediately and the icon will become orange with a square in the center The Orange Stop Recording button. The recording will last the same amount of time it takes for the native speaker to say the phrase, then will end automatically. You can re-record your voice as many times as needed.

Once you are done recording, click, hold, and drag your voice-wave to adjust it so it aligns with the narrator's voice-wave.

A line shows that the bottom waveform can be dragged left or right

Now, you can listen to each voice individually or at the same time to compare pronunciation and inflection.

A box highlights the button in-between both waveforms

Two boxed highlight the buttons to the left of the waveforms

If you are performing all of these steps properly and you are still experiencing issues, try clearing your browser's cache. You may also want to try another browser to verify whether or not the issue is specific to your browser or your system.

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